The Tietgen Award
Home / The Tietgen Award
Foundation and amount
In order to mark the centenary of C.F. Tietgen’s birth on 19 March 1829, the Board of DSEB founded the Tietgen Award in 1929. Initially, the award took the form of a gold medal to be given each year in reward for the submission of an outstanding prize paper. The last prize paper was announced in 1978 and since then the Tietgen Award has been given for a substantial contribution to research.
Every year, DSEB grants the Tietgen Award of DKK 500,000 in recognition of a significant contribution to research in the field of business-oriented humanities and social science on the part of young researchers. If two applicants are considered equally eligible for the award, it can be shared.
All awards are accompanied by the Tietgen Gold Medal.

The use of the award
Award criteria
- Documented research efforts, including publication in internationally recognised outlets.
- The impact of research on Danish society and industry as well as the documented collaboration with and documented value for Danish society and industry.
- Dissemination activities outside of academia.
Candidates and recommendation procedure
The Tietgen Award can be granted either on the recommendation of people at management level at education institutions, companies and organisations, etc., or it can be applied for. Individual applications must be accompanied by a recommendation from the applicant’s closest supervisor.
This is an open call. See the specific application at the top of this page. A consent form must also be downloaded from the top of this page, filled out, signed and attached with the application.
Applications must document how the research in question lives up to the above-mentioned award criteria. A CV, a list of publications, example(s) of popular scientific product(s), documentation of the research’s collaboration with Danish society and industry and a form of consent must be enclosed.
The deadline for nominations is the 8. september.
Deadline for nominations
The deadline for nominations is the 15. september.
The award is handed out in November.
One year after receiving the award, recipients must send in a short 1–2-page description of the new knowledge or new activities, the award has allowed them to pursue.
DSEB, Fiolstræde 44, 1171 København K, handle all matters concerning the Tietgen Award.
In case of any questions, please contact [email protected]
How to apply
Use the Apply buttom below.
Remember to fill out the Form of consent – you find it under Downloads.