The Tietgen Award 2024 aims to make independent knowledge about tech giants’ impact on our digital infrastructure accessible

Half a million kroner will be awarded through the Tietgen Award to researchers behind the development of new methods to understand digital power relations in our society.

Signe Sophus Lai and Sofie Flensburg, both assistant professors at the Center for Tracking & Society at the University of Copenhagen, have been awarded the Tietgen Award 2024. They receive the award for their research in developing methods to understand the political and economic power dynamics surrounding the internet’s infrastructure.

The field of these two young researchers is particularly relevant because Danish municipalities, regions, and companies are critically dependent on technology companies’ delivery of digital infrastructure. This dependency is reflected in rapidly increasing IT expenses, challenges in complying with data protection regulations, and a lack of options to make demands or choose alternative suppliers.

The 500,000 DKK accompanying the award will be used by the two young researchers to develop an independent data portal that can meet the growing demand from businesses and the political system for systematic monitoring of the strategies and market dominance of global technology companies. The portal will make knowledge about infrastructural power in the digital society accessible to researchers as well as authorities, businesses, and other societal actors.

“We are incredibly proud and happy to have received the Tietgen Award, especially to have received it together. It is a significant recognition of our research practice, which is based on strong collaboration,” state Signe Sophus Lai and Sofie Flensburg.

The presentation of the Tietgen Award took place at the International Chamber of Commerce ICC Denmark and DSEB’s annual dinner on November 26th, 2024.


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