Awards and grants

One of the DSEB’s most important tasks is to honour and promote the Danish talent pool in the vocational field through awards and grants. The DSEB does not accept unsolicited applications for support, for example, for conferences, study trips, new fields of study, or courses, etc.


The Tietgen Award of DKK 500,000 honours young researchers who have made an extraordinary research contribution within the business-related humanities or social sciences.

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award honours the extraordinary contribution to strengthening innovation and entrepreneurship within the educational sector.


The DSEB Fund for Financial Support to Students in Denmark and Abroad helps students at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Niels Brock, or Cphbusiness to study in Denmark or abroad.

The foundation Farvehandler Lauritz Becks Legat provides financial support for students attending educational programmes within the commercial field.

The foundation Departementschef P.O.A. Andersen og Hustru Sigrid, f. Johnsens Legat aims to provide financial support for further professional education and study trips abroad.