The award is given to Niels Brock employees who work diligently and purposefully to realize Niels Brock’s visions. Each award carries a sum of DKK 25,000.
This year’s five recipients are:
- Jesper Christensen from Niels Brock GSK, for making mathematics a favourite subject for many GSK course participants over the years.
- Ulla Legaard Justesen from Handelsgymnasiet JTP at Niels Brock (commercial upper secondary programme), for focusing on professionalism and students’ well-being by showing care and support. Also recognized for her work with Niels Brock students who have been elite athletes alongside their educational studies.
- Joan Jurs from Niels Brock Det Internationale Gymnasium (international upper secondary programme), for being service-minded, sales-oriented, and for creating good relationships between enterprises and Niels Brock.
- Lasse Bo Jensen from Innovationsgymnasiet (innovation upper secondary programme), for significantly contributing to increased knowledge sharing and strong collegial collaboration.
- Jakob Smith from Innovationsgymnasiet, for particularly contributing to innovative and efficient solutions for smart institutional management.